Wednesday, October 22, 2008

America...Fuck Yeah! (part 2 of a series)

Welcome to "America...Fuck Yeah!" a series of stories, articles, and anecdotes about the various personalities involved in upcoming election and the American citizens that will be voting for them. This series aims to shine a light on a broad cross-section of absurdity in the American political experience. It will try to be nonpartisan (as much as humanly possible) and thought provoking…the thought more often than not being "Ummm maybe we should consider Canada".

That Scarf Makes You Look Like An Ass!

We have all read about the $150,000 that the McCain/Palin campaign has spent on new clothing and accessories for Sarah Palin and family. Personally I am OK with this, even though that kind of money can probably buy a family a home in some of these “small-towns” that Palin likes to call “real America”; I realize the RNC can’t have their VP candidate and family running around in Hooters t-shirts and trucker hats. They had to get them a new wardrobe.

At a campaign stop in Reno, NV on Tuesday Gov. Palin broke out an accessory from her shopping spree. Photos show the candidate wearing a brightly colored red white & blue scarf with the word “vote” on it. It’s a patriotic keffiyeh that advocates voting…no problem there, right?

Wait… are the animals doing the conga line around the word vote what I think they are?

You betcha! Those are Donkeys, the mascot of Democratic Party. But Gov. Palin would never adorn herself with such an anti-American beast on purpose right? This is obviously some sort of conspiracy by those pinko commie un-patriotic liberal left wing socialist radicals at Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus.

This woman may be Vice President. America…Fuck Yeah!

(H/T to Huffpo & Jezebel) (Images from Getty)

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