Friday, December 14, 2007

Canadians Don't Fuck Around With Safety, Eh.

Our neighbors to the north are serious about one thing, workplace safety! And Hockey of course, so two things. Can't forget Beer, three things. Oh yeah, Maple Syrup and Bacon. OK, Canadians are serious about five things; workplace safety, hockey, beer, bacon, and maple syrup. But especially workplace safety. Don't believe me? Then check out these two official Canadian Safety PSA's.

Holy crap! They really Tarantinod those spots. As if a fireball sending the guy plummeting 7 stories to his death wasn't enough, those crazy Canucks have him bounce not once, but twice off an oncoming dump truck! Or, the woman burning her face off with 4 gallons of boiling water wasn't horrific enough, she had to crack her head on the burner and set off a gas explosion.

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