Monday, December 3, 2007

Laziness Personified...Pass Me the White Castle

Lazy [ley-zee]
-adjective (-zi-er, -zi-est)
1.Averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.
2.Jonah this weekend
Also See: Sloth

I was indeed the personification of laziness this weekend; I spent the lion's share of my two glorious days off parked on the couch, in a state that can best be described as somewhere between inert and comatose. The TV God's rewarded my torpor with a slew of classic movies including Welles' Citizen Kane, Kurosawa's Seven Samurai (at a shade under 4 hours long I didn't watch the whole thing at once, luckily it was on multiple times so I caught it piece by piece), Polanski's Chinatown, and Kanew's Revenge of the Nerds.

I also caught most of Hurricane (which is surprisingly re-watchable considering my dislike of everything Denzel) on Sleuth (one of those random cable channels that would have never existed without CourtTV and the OJ Simpson trial). What I love about Sleuth, other than the continuous re-runs of Miami Vice and Homicide: Life on the Streets, is the ironic 10 second graphic they put on the screen at the tail end of commercial breaks that informs you what you are currently watching. Shouldn't we have to investigate and figure it out for ourselves?

On Sunday I watched the Giants win yet another ugly game, while at the same time eating more White Castle Sliders than deemed safe by the US Surgeon General. This only increased my lethargy and pretty much guaranteed I was to be useless for the rest of the evening.

I am still working on the post I promised last week. I am doing some research and collecting videos (it's a full multi-media experience); hopefully I have it done in the next couple of days.

I love this:

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