Friday, October 19, 2007

What is going on in David Copperfield's Magical Mystery Warehouse?

The FBI raided magician David Copperfield’s warehouse located in Las Vegas. The warehouse, which Copperfield calls “The International Musuem & Library of the Conjuring Arts”, is rarely seen by anyone outside of the magic community. It is said to contain sports cars, vintage automatons, gargoyle heads, gadgetry and an electric chair, as well as 80,000 books, illusions, posters and memorabilia.

Authorities confirmed that a computer hard drive, digital camera system, and nearly $2 million in cash were seized, but refused to state what the investigation was about.

Hmmm…a hard drive, cameras, and cash…I’ll take Kiddie Porn for $100 Alex. What I don’t understand is, if he had incriminating items why didn’t he just make them disappear? Surely they were not as big as the Statue of Liberty.

According to Forbes magazine Copperfield earned $57 Million in 2003, making him the 10th highest paid entertainer that year. Seriously?!?!?!

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