Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Hungover and Confused

When I first came across this image this morning I was perplexed. I wasn't really sure what I was looking at. I figured my beer soaked brain was playing tricks on me. I decided I was better off consuming my hangover remedy (sausage, egg, & cheese from Gray's Papaya and a gigantic coffee) before trying to focus on figuring out the mystery behind this puzzler.

What I couldn't figure out at first was why is Helena Bonham Carter doing press for Sweeny Todd in her costume from Planet of the Apes? I realized that there is synergy as both movies were directed by her hubby Tim Burton, but it didn't seem to add up. Plus, she just gave birth so I concluded it must not be her.

Then I figured it must be Teri Hatcher, out doing some shopping in her free time while production of Desperate Housewives is shut down due to the strike. Nope.

Turns out it is was our buddy Michael Jackson the whole time. That's a very clever disguise Jacko!

I really love the unintentional irony in this shot. If you look closely, Jackson is standing in the Science Fiction section of Barnes and Nobel. He is the Science Fiction section!

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