Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's a crazy talking to a room full of crazies after accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award in Craziness.

There have actually been a few different videos of Tom talking about Scientology posted on and quickly pulled down from the internet recently. In an effort to understand the whole Scientology thing better (it's all a bit mysterious and confusing) I have tried watching as many of the videos as I could before they got yanked. The problem is that in all of the videos Cruise says absolutley nothing of substance for me to able to glean any information about Scientology. Cruise tends to speak in cliches or broad generalities that don't make him sound smart so much as just a pompous ass. It's the kind of rah-rah bullshit that may get the weak minded going, but anyone with half a brain should be able to stop and say to themselves "wait a minute, nothing he just said means ANYTHING AT ALL".

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