Thursday, January 3, 2008

Trailer Watch: Teeth

Teeth has been dubbed "The most alarming cautionary tale for men since Fatal Attraction"

Yup, it's a movie about a girl with a hoo-hah full of chompers...and it's angry! Not only did first time director Mitchell Lichtenstein create a movie exploring the myth of Vagina Dentate, but he may have actually made a solid horror movie in the process. Jess Weixler even won a Special Grand Jury Prize at Sundance for her portrayal of Dawn, the girl with the va-jay-jay with an appetite for destruction. The film has even garnered an impressive 80% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.

As a society that is obsessed with celebrity cooters, how can a movie like this NOT capture our imaginations? I foresee Teeth taking a big bite out of the box office on January 18th.

(yes I went there)

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